Celebrating Home was built on the foundation of two industry icons, Home & Garden Party and Home Interiors and Gifts. 

Home & Garden Party was founded in 1996 by Penny and Steve Carlile through their passionate desire to help women succeed.  Their strong Christian values led them to found a company focused on spreading a message of hope and caring to homes across America.  Home & Garden Party launched with record-breaking growth and soon developed into a thriving, financially sound party-plan company.  Our Core Values remain a cornerstone of our business. 

Placing God first in our lives
Demonstrating integrity in all that we do
Bringing families together
Being respectful
Providing quality products
Working as a team
Providing enjoyment and fun as we earn

Home Interiors was founded in 1957 by an extraordinary woman, Mary Crowley, out of her desire to create happy, more beautiful homes through a company based on strength and dignity, moral principles and old-fashioned hard work.  Based on Mary Crowley’s strong entrepreneurial spirit, belief in the individual and vision for a better way of life, the company prospered for over 50 years and was an incredibly influential leader in home décor trends across the country.  The original Code of Ethics is one that continues to resonate with women today:

We believe in the dignity and importance of women…
We believe that everything a woman touches should be ennobled by that touch…
We believe that the home is the greatest influence on the character of mankind…
We believe that the home should be a haven…

…a place of refuge, a place of peace, a place of harmony, a place of beauty.

The shared foundational values between these two companies is extraordinary and has made the coming together a natural integration that poises us for explosive growth, as we craft our mission for the future. 

Key Dates:

• (1957) Home Interiors &  Gifts Inc. is Founded by Mary C. Crowley.

•(1962) The Company makes its First Million in Sales.

•(1987) Mary C. Crwoley Died.

•(1998) The Company is Bought out by Members of the Crowley family and Hicks, Muse, Tate and Furst.